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What is


Acupuncture is part of a system of holistic medicine, in which thin, filiform needles are inserted at specific, strategic points on the body. Their insertion is meant to induce a series of reactions within your body, in order to help the condition for which you came in for as well as help to reset the body's parasympathetic nervous system for overall well-being. Nothing is injected into your body. Acupuncture is only one tool of Traditional Chinese Medicine that may be used to help alleviate your condition or help support your overall health. 

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Acupuncture is part of a system of holistic medicine, in which thin, filiform needles are inserted at specific, strategic points on the body. Their insertion is meant to induce a series of reactions within your body, in order to help the condition for which you came in for as well as help to reset the body's parasympathetic nervous system for overall well-being. Nothing is injected into your body. Acupuncture is only one tool of Traditional Chinese Medicine that may be used to help alleviate your condition or help support your overall health. 

How many sessions will it take?

This depends on the condition that the patient is coming in for and their underlying health. More recent conditions tend to respond sooner. However, the healthier a lifestyle the patient already has, the quicker the treatments may take hold. It is also important that the patient follow any recommendations given by the practitioner, that are to enhance and quicken results. Ultimately, while most patients feel a sense of relaxation at the end of the first treatment, it can take a few sessions for a couple of weeks to really address both the root and symptoms of the condition(s). 

What can Acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture is part of a system of holistic medicine, in which thin, filiform needles are inserted at specific, strategic points on the body. Their insertion is meant to induce a series of reactions within your body, in order to help the condition for which you came in for as well as help to reset the body's parasympathetic nervous system for overall well-being. Nothing is injected into your body. Acupuncture is only one tool of Traditional Chinese Medicine that may be used to help alleviate your condition or help support your overall health. 

For more information on why acupuncture can be a useful modality for a variety of health conditions, as well as when acupuncture should be tried, please see the following post

  • Low back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Sciatica

  • Tennis elbow

  • Knee pain

  • Peri-arthritis of the shoulder

  • Sprains

  • Facial pain

  • TMJ

  • Headache

  • Fertility

  • Acute and chronic gastritis

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Induction of labor

  • Breech birth presentation

  • Morning Sickness

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Postoperative Pain

  • Stroke

  • High blood pressure/hypertension

  • Renal colic

  • Leucopenia

  • Radiation/chemo reactions

  • Allergic rhinitis

  • Hay fever

  • Biliary colic

  • Depression

  • Acute bacillary dysentery

  • Dysmenorrhea

  • Acute epigastraglia & peptic ulcers

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