Resilience & Adaptability: Why Perimenopause Doesn't Have to Weigh You Down
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  • sarahalemilac

Resilience & Adaptability: Why Perimenopause Doesn't Have to Weigh You Down

Acupuncture for Perimenopause

Perimenopause, the transitional period leading up to menopause, typically occurs in women in their 40s or early 50s, though the age range can vary. During this time, the body undergoes various hormonal shifts, leading to a range of symptoms. While some symptoms are well-known and commonly discussed, others may be less familiar but equally impactful on women's health.

Let's explore both the commonly known and lesser-known symptoms of perimenopause:

Commonly Known Symptoms:

Irregular Menstrual Cycles: One of the hallmark signs of perimenopause is irregularity in menstrual cycles. Periods may become shorter, longer, heavier, or lighter than usual.

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats: These sudden feelings of warmth, often accompanied by flushing of the skin and sweating, are experienced by many women during perimenopause.

Mood Swings: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to mood changes, including irritability, anxiety, and depression.

Sleep Disturbances: Many women experience difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep during perimenopause, often due to night sweats or other hormonal changes.

Vaginal Dryness: Declining estrogen levels can result in vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse.

Changes in Libido: Some women may experience a decrease in sexual desire during perimenopause.

Fatigue: Hormonal changes, coupled with sleep disturbances, can contribute to feelings of fatigue and low energy.

Weight Gain: Changes in metabolism and hormonal fluctuations may lead to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen.

Lesser-Known Symptoms:

Joint Pain: Perimenopausal women may experience joint pain or stiffness, which can be attributed to hormonal changes affecting connective tissues.

Memory Problems: Some women report experiencing memory lapses or difficulty concentrating during perimenopause, often referred to as "brain fog."

Hair Changes: Hormonal shifts can lead to changes in hair texture, thickness, or even hair loss in some women.

Digestive Issues: Symptoms such as bloating, gas, and changes in bowel habits may occur during perimenopause due to hormonal fluctuations affecting digestion.

Headaches: Migraines or other types of headaches may become more frequent or severe for some women during perimenopause.

Skin Changes: Decreased estrogen levels can impact collagen production, leading to changes in skin elasticity and moisture levels. This may manifest as dryness, thinning skin, or increased wrinkles.

Heart Palpitations: Some women may experience sensations of rapid or irregular heartbeat during perimenopause, which can be unsettling but are usually harmless.

Urinary Issues: Changes in the pelvic floor muscles and urinary tract may lead to symptoms such as urinary urgency, frequency, or leakage.

Breast Tenderness: Hormonal fluctuations can cause breast tenderness or discomfort similar to what some women experience during menstruation.

Understanding both the commonly known and lesser-known symptoms of perimenopause is important for women to recognize and manage this transitional phase of life effectively.

Consulting with healthcare professionals can provide guidance and support in navigating these changes and maintaining overall health and well-being during perimenopause. One such healthcare professional could be an acupuncturist.

Yes, acupuncture can help navigate one through perimenopause and even menopause seamlessly.

Here's how acupuncture may potentially help:

Regulating Hormonal Balance: Acupuncture is believed to influence the endocrine system, which regulates hormone production and balance in the body. By targeting specific acupuncture points, practitioners aim to stimulate the release of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, potentially helping to alleviate hormonal fluctuations associated with perimenopause.

As hormone regulation is so important to helping with the management of perimenopause and the symptoms that come with it, I thought I 'd include a bit more information about acupuncture can help regulate women's hormones. Please know that I've included some additional information about acupuncture and hormone regulation, some of which may not be applicable to perimenopause. However, this information helps to give a good understanding of how acupuncture does work for hormone balancing so I made sure to include it!

Here are some ways in which acupuncture may help regulate women's hormones:

Modulation of Neurotransmitters: Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system, leading to the release of neurotransmitters such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These neurotransmitters play a role in regulating hormone production and balance, including hormones involved in the menstrual cycle and reproductive health.

Regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis: The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands form the HPA axis, which plays a central role in regulating stress response and hormone secretion. Acupuncture may influence the HPA axis, leading to adjustments in hormone levels, particularly cortisol, which can impact reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone.

Improvement of Blood Flow: Acupuncture has been shown to increase blood flow to various organs and tissues, including the reproductive organs. Enhanced blood circulation to the ovaries, uterus, and hypothalamus-pituitary axis may promote hormonal balance by facilitating the delivery of nutrients and oxygen necessary for hormone production and regulation.

Stimulation of Endorphins: Endorphins are natural pain-relieving substances produced by the body. Acupuncture triggers the release of endorphins, which can help reduce stress, alleviate pain, and promote relaxation. Stress reduction is important for hormone regulation, as chronic stress can disrupt the balance of reproductive hormones.

Regulation of Ovarian Function: Acupuncture may influence ovarian function by modulating the release of hormones involved in follicle development, ovulation, and the menstrual cycle. By targeting specific acupuncture points associated with reproductive organs, acupuncture may help regulate hormone levels and improve ovarian function.

Normalization of Menstrual Cycles: Acupuncture has been shown to regulate menstrual cycles in women with irregular periods or menstrual disorders. By promoting hormonal balance and addressing underlying imbalances, acupuncture can help normalize the menstrual cycle and improve overall reproductive health.

Other ways acupuncture can help with perimenopause, outside of hormone regulation:

Reducing Hot Flashes and Night Sweats: Acupuncture may help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and night sweats, two common symptoms of perimenopause. Studies have shown that acupuncture can modulate the body's temperature regulation system, leading to improvements in vasomotor symptoms like hot flashes.

Improving Sleep Quality: Many women experience disruptions in sleep patterns during perimenopause, often due to night sweats or hormonal fluctuations. Acupuncture has been found to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality by stimulating the release of endorphins and serotonin, neurotransmitters associated with sleep and relaxation.

Alleviating Mood Swings and Anxiety: Perimenopause can be accompanied by mood swings, irritability, and anxiety, which may be exacerbated by hormonal changes. Acupuncture has been shown to have mood-regulating effects by influencing neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, potentially helping to alleviate these symptoms.

Relieving Joint Pain and Muscle Tension: Some women experience joint pain, stiffness, or muscle tension during perimenopause, which can be attributed to hormonal changes or other factors. Acupuncture can help reduce pain and inflammation by promoting blood circulation and releasing tension in muscles and connective tissues.

Enhancing Overall Well-being: Acupuncture is often valued for its holistic approach to health, addressing not only specific symptoms but also promoting overall well-being and balance in the body. Many women report feeling a sense of relaxation, improved energy, and better resilience to stress after acupuncture sessions.

So how often should one get acupuncture for perimenopause relief?

The frequency of acupuncture sessions for perimenopause relief can vary depending on individual factors such as the severity of symptoms, overall health status, and response to treatment. Typically, acupuncturists will recommend an initial series of sessions followed by periodic maintenance sessions as needed. Here are some general guidelines for the frequency of acupuncture sessions for perimenopause relief:

Initial Phase: During the initial phase of treatment, women may benefit from more frequent acupuncture sessions, such as once or twice a week. This intensive approach can help address acute symptoms and establish a foundation for long-term relief.

Maintenance Phase: Once symptoms begin to improve, the frequency of acupuncture sessions may be reduced. Many women find that transitioning to bi-weekly or monthly sessions is sufficient for maintaining symptom relief and supporting overall well-being during perimenopause.

Individualized Treatment Plans: Acupuncturists will tailor treatment plans to meet the specific needs of each woman. Some individuals may require more frequent sessions or ongoing maintenance to manage persistent symptoms, while others may experience significant relief with fewer sessions.

Symptom Management: The frequency of acupuncture sessions may also be adjusted based on the severity and type of symptoms experienced during perimenopause. For example, women experiencing severe hot flashes or sleep disturbances may benefit from more frequent sessions initially, while those with milder symptoms may require less frequent treatment.

Long-Term Management: Perimenopause is a transitional phase that can last for several years, so women may benefit from long-term acupuncture treatment to support hormonal balance, manage symptoms, and promote overall health and well-being. Regular check-ins with the acupuncturist can help ensure that treatment remains effective and adjustments are made as needed.

Ultimately, the frequency of acupuncture sessions for perimenopause relief should be determined in collaboration with a qualified acupuncturist based on individual needs and treatment goals. It's important to communicate openly with the acupuncturist about symptoms, treatment preferences, and any changes or improvements experienced during the course of treatment.

Of course, acupuncture is but one tool that women can use to help them through perimenopause.

Yes, other healthcare professionals and therapies can be sought out for additional support. However, there are many lifestyle changes and easy 'add-ins' that can be done at home for relief. As these are very particular to each women's health and symptomology, the lifestyle recommendations are best when customized and given by a practitioner, which is something that an acupuncturist will do. For example, diet, nutrition, exercises and movement, herbs and herbal teas, etc.

Find yourself needing support through perimenopause? Simply curious about what lifestyle recommendations may be best for you? Give us a call at 703-848-1980 today!

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