Considering the past few years, and how 2022 has already begun, some of us are gung-ho on resolutions for the New Year while some of us are refusing to even acknowledge the start of the New Year. However you are feeling right now is completely understandable. It's been (quite a few!) year(s).
Whatever your take, unfortunately, 2022 is here. So how can we all make the best of this year? Well, one thing that the past few years have taught us is the importance of our health. So you can start by prioritizing your health. This includes both your mental and physical well-being.
How do you prioritize your health? The first step is making sure you take time to engage in self-care, whether it's via a delayed annual physical with your primary, health-improving appointments with an acupuncturist or chiropractor for a specific complaint or simply time to rest. For many of us, this might actually mean scheduling a block of time each and every week for our own health care.
Therein lies the kicker: consciously scheduling time each week to take care of our well-being. So we need to make sure to block time off to not only engage in self-care but also to do it each week. Consistency matters. And if you can do something little each day, such as 10 minutes of mindful breathing or 15 minutes of stretching? Even better!
So you block a few minutes out each evening, say switching it up between meditation, breathing exercises and stretching, and an hour each week for a health care practice. Now what? Where do you start? What should you be doing outside of these "little things?"
I would start with assessing with where you are health-wise. An easy way to do this is to schedule a physical exam with your primary, whether that is a general western medicine practitioner or naturopathic doctor. They will do a physical mark-up as well as run some bloodwork to see what your various health markers are showing. Now you've got your baseline.
However, it's also just as important to do a check-in with your self. What are feeling or noticing? For example, how is your sleep? How is your overall digestion? Have their been changes in your energy levels? Do you notice any tension in your body? Anything that you notice, write down and keep track of it.
Once you have your baseline, you can move forward from there with care that will help with either overall improvement of your well-being or with specific ailments, if you have any - such as trouble falling asleep, general anxiety, low back pain, painful headaches, etc.
This is where acupuncture can come in. Acupuncture is part of a holistic system of medicine, which means that it looks at the body, mind and spirit (or your emotional well-being). As such, acupuncture can help with both improving overall well-being while also addressing specific issues or complaints.
If you would like to see what acupuncture can do for you, feel free to reach out!
